Welcome to EQ+, the Enhancing Quality (EQ) Heart Failure (HF) Programme.

Health Innovation KSS’s EQ+ takes the data you’re already submitting to the National Heart Failure Audit (NHFA) and delivers monthly reports, presented in a way that will help you drive improvements to Enhancing Quality (EQ) in care.

The monthly EQ+ reports provide headline and detailed data that can be filtered at different levels, as shown above.


In 2022, currently 26 acute hospitals across the South East are participating in the EQ+ programme: data is flowing, monthly dashboard and highlight reports are being delivered.

EQ+ is available now to all hospitals in England and Wales to join and the dashboard will be built to report for multiple hospitals in each region separately.


The EQ+ monthly dashboard delivers monthly reports that:

+ Measures changes in care quality
+ Provides a benchmark for participating hospitals
+ Builds a picture of heart failure outside of secondary care


The benefits of joining the EQ+ programme:

Data enabling you to strengthen business plans.
No double-data collection required, as merged with the NHFA dataset.
Delivering real-time data evidence of heart failure care and outcomes.
Headline outcomes data page, filtered by ICB and trust.
Bespoke view of your hospital’s HF Best Practice Tariff achievement.
Detailed monthly data reports to shape your future budgets, workforce planning and service delivery.


The detail of EQ+


Find out more and join EQ+ in a few simple steps:


Complete the online form to express an interest for your acute hospital trust or hospital site to join the EQ+ programme.



If you join EQ+, you will be able to access the following support:

+ Clinical Project Advisor support to get set-up and started, includes webinars, EQ+ implementation pack and online training.
+ Three Tableau Online annual licences for each hospital site (click here for more info on EQ+ Tableau Online account set-up and FAQs).
+ EQ+ dashboard reports delivered monthly in a link by email, with a highlight headline report, to all on the EQ+ mailing list (filtered by region).
+ Project and analytics support (12 months).

The cost to participate in EQ+ is £5,000 (excluding VAT) per hospital site, per annum. The cost is payable to KSS AHSN and includes support throughout the year for each hospital.


Having a Data Processing Agreement (DPA) in place at the outset is crucial for any hospital joining EQ+ to enable them to flow data to EQ+.

Note: hospital NHFA data is not allowed to be submitted to EQ+ until the DPA has been signed by the trust’s information governance (IG) lead and returned to KSS AHSN.

The DPA between the hospital trust (to cover all participating hospital sites in the trust) and Health Innovation KSS should be signed by the trust’s IG lead via DocuSign, which will be sent from Health Innovation KSS with a covering letter.

We encourage you to download the example DPA and have a conversation with your trust IG Lead so they are made aware of the EQ+ programme, and are sighted on the content of the DPA and your interest in the hospital/s joining.

For any questions about the DPA, please contact Jen Bayly, Clinical Project Advisor at kssahsn.eqplus@nhs.net.


More than data

We recognise that collecting, presenting and joining up data is just the start.

A culture of regularly accessing and using data, for more than performance management, is vital to driving improvements in care.

To help build this culture, EQ+ offers widespread understanding of data analysis, as well as expert clinical project advisors to work closely with clinicians and system leaders to communicate and visualise data in a way that is useful to those delivering heart failure care, designing and commissioning services.

Get in touch

To discuss joining EQ+ in more detail for a hospital, trust or region, or for any questions about the EQ+ programme, please contact Jen Bayly, Clinical Project Advisor, at kssahsn.eqplus@nhs.net.